泰嘉罗酒庄 Tagaro

  In the countryside of Locorotondo where Masseria Tagaro is located and produces its good wines, the 164 country districts are joined by the same passion: To make wines as they used. People from country districts have a big heart and their faces represent the passing of the time among rows of grapes: every wrinkle tells a story, a harvest. Here, we know only one way to make good wine and it is the same used by Masseria Tagaro. In order to celebrate the life and the work of these people, Masseria Tagaro called its wines with the same name of these districts surrounded by vineyards and majestic oak forests. A strong identity which is deeply rooted in the centuries-old nomenclature of this land and a strong link which Masseria Tagaro wants to keep in every drop of its wine.