圣安娜酒庄是忠利集团最大的酒庄,也是全球最为著名的意大利酒庄之一。19世纪70年代,圣安娜酒庄葡萄酒庄园诞生于Lison Pramagiore地区,庄园内黏质土壤自古罗马时代就已开始投入种植,因此在中世纪,为威尼斯共和国提供了葡萄酒的这片土壤正处于它的辉煌鼎盛时期。现今葡萄酒已然成为每日必需品,圣安娜酒庄赋予了葡萄酒极其卓越的成绩,酿制单一葡萄品种的葡萄酒并激发每一葡萄品种潜在的特征,为葡萄酒爱好者开拓新视野,协助共创意大利葡萄酒在全球的整片蓝图。
Tenuta Sant’ Anna estate is the largest winery of Genagricola wineries, also is one of the most famous wineries in the world. The Estate was founded in the 60’s in the heart of the Lison Pramaggiore DOC region, where the clay soils of this area were since Roman times dedicated to viticulture, and so throughout the Middle Ages, during which these lands provided wine for the Republic of Venice at the height of its splendour. At a time when wine was on the whole consumed daily, Tenuta Sant’ Anna gave it greater significance, producing wines from single wine varieties and exalting the characteristics of each grape, opening new horizons for wine lovers and helping to create a worldwide image for Italian wine.