法莱斯科酒庄由Renzo Cotarella和Ricardo Cotarella两兄弟创建,他们皆是意大利德高望重的酿酒大师。法莱斯科产品按照生产地区不同分为两个系列:拉齐奥系列和翁布利亚系列,其中拉齐奥系列葡萄酒产于维特波省蒙特法科尼地区;翁布利亚系列葡萄酒产于蒙特丘和奥威托地区。法莱斯科酒庄以意斯特白葡萄酒为代表,其种植园跨越拉齐奥和翁布利亚边界,从博萨拉湖一直绵延到奥威托山脉。该地区的气候土壤尤其适合种植葡萄,此点已通过该地区的百年历史得到印证。
Falesco production is marked by two lines of products, differentiated according to the Territory of reference. The “Lazio” line includes production in Lazio, in the area of Montefiascone in the province of Viterbo, and the “Umbria” line refers to the territories in the area of Montecchio and Orvieto. Unique DOC (Lazio) Falesco is represented in the Est! Est!! Est!!!. Its vineyards extend over an area straddling the border between Lazio and Umbria, from Lake Bolsena to the hills surrounding Orvieto. The climatic and pedologic characteristics of this territory are particularly suited to the growing of vines as witnessed by the century-old tradition of the zone.