
2017-09-15 17:11:00


The Gourmet Carnival of the Silk Road Brand Collection





We offer you a collection of exotic delicacies, an exhibition for culinary art, an opportunity for brand promotion and a platform for cultural exchange.


点击下载 丝路美食嘉年华报名表.doc(23kb)



点击下载 丝路美食嘉年华介绍.pdf(4.4mb)


Time: 19 November 2017 whole day

地点:北京柏悦酒店 (北京市朝阳区建国门外大街2号)

Venue: Park Hyatt Beijing Hotel

(2 Jianguomenwai Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing)


丝绸之路城市联盟  Silk Road Cities Alliance (SRCA)

丝路国家使馆 Embassies of the countries along the Silk Road

中国国际电子商务中心 CIECC

北京东方美食研究院 Beijing Easteat Institute

新华社电视台 CNC

钓鱼台食品生物科技有限公司 Diaoyutai Food Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

品牌中国战略规划院 China Brand Strategic Planning Institute


国际美食厨艺联盟 International Cuisine Cooking Union


活动内容Event content



l  高档场馆:北京中央商务区,5星级酒店

l  高端客户:外国政要、驻华大使、外交官、文化名人、消费引领者

l  高起点、高标准:国宾馆食品标准认证,世界御厨参评

l  高曝光率:新华社、CCTV、国际在线、中国食品报、中国青年报、美团网、新浪、网易、腾讯

l  直通电商平台:入选“丝路美食”产品,将被推荐上海购网、天猫、网易、美团网、钓鱼台食品采购平台


l  跨国持续传播:主办方将制作“丝路美味”专题电视片,片长和风格与“舌尖上的中国”相似,在一带一路沿线国家播放,持续推广参展产品,参展商可量身定制


Exhibition, products experiencing (10:00-17:00)


The venue will place the exhibition, where eight categories of products will be displayed: grains (including bakery and pasta), beverages (tea, alcohol, soft drinks), dairy products, grocery, health and wellbeing, meat and sea food, snacks and confectionary fruits (fresh fruits, dry fruits), and porcelain tableware. Products exhibition (divided into “product”, “enterprise”, “city” parts), products experiencing and sale will take place at the venue.



Forum: “Silk Road’s Influence on the Food between East and West” (15:00-16:00)


The forum will feature following topics:


The facilitating role of the ancient Silk Road in the cultural communication between East and West cuisines


Innovative and development trends in Chinese cuisine


Innovations of Food Industry


The introduction of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse’s food standards


()文化晚宴Cultural Dinner (19:00-21:00)


All the food ingredients and tableware used at the dinner will be selected from the “Brand Collection” exhibition, thus the guests will have a chance to taste and enjoy the exquisite Silk Road countries food and beautiful porcelain. Celebrities and famous international chefs will be invited to make their reviews and comments on the dishes and drinks. At the dinner, guests will be presented with the Silk Road cultural performances; also the 2018 mascot and colour of fashion will be released. At the dinner guests will have a chance to participate in the lucky draw.



评选 “丝路美食”、“丝路名企”奖项。获得该称号的产品将作为丝绸之路城市联盟指定产品用于中外交流与合作项目中,并可被推荐给钓鱼台食品公司采购平台。

According to the selection result, the most popular product, the most popular city and enterprise will be named, each will be granted the “Silk Road Famous Brands” award. The brands who receive this award will be included in the SRCA communication and cooperation projects between China and foreign countries and also achieve opportunities to be recommended to Diaoyutai Food Biotechnology Co., Ltd.


媒体报道Media Coverage


Xinhua, CRI Online, Tencent, Sina, Sohu, Toutiao, China Youth Paper, China Daily, China Food News, Hong Kong Wenweipo Paper, Jiefang Daily.


Press-conference in the middle of October

参展费用Participation Fee

按展览摊位收费,每个展览摊位面积为6平米(2m X 3m,含一桌两椅,三层置物隔板,两个射灯),每摊位3万元(含展位场地费、布展费、2个参展人员工作证、午餐券、展品资料费、宣传费、5张抽奖券、1张晚宴券)。展区核心位置的展览摊位的价格视情况上浮。摊位需要特别布置可另议。


The exhibition area will be divided into stalls, each covering 6 square meters (2X3m, including one table, two chairs, three-layer partition, two spotlights). One stall charges RMB 30,000 (including site use fee, exhibition fee, two work permits, luncheon voucher, exhibition materials, publicity expenses, 5 raffle tickets for lucky draw and a dinner invitation). The price of exhibition stalls in the core area will increase considering the circumstances. If the stall needs special arrangements, it can be negotiated.

If just empty area needed (exhibitors responsible for the arrangements such as tables, chairs, etc.), the price is RMB 1000 / m². Minimum for 36m².

参展权益 Exhibition Benefits







Exhibition certificate



Listed in the exhibits booklets



Media coverage

(including videos, pictures and news report )



Products being used as gifts in the “Lucky Draw” part



Each stall can get 2 luncheon voucher, 4 bottles of mineral water and a dinner invitation on November 19th.



Every stall can send one product entering the competition for “2017 Silk Road Star Products” for free.


广告宣传 Advertisement Items


1 产品或企业Logo在展会大LED屏滚动播出,每个产品/Logo费用1万元。


The logo of product or company will be projected on the main LED screen of the exhibition. RMB 10,000 for each product/company.

Company advertisement video broadcasted on the main LED screen in the exhibition hall once in the morning and once in the afternoon, RMB 20,000.  


2 宣传册及论坛册中制作广告彩页,3000/页。



Colored advertisement page in the promotion brochures and forum brochures,

RMB 3,000 / page.

Colored advertisement on the inside front cover and inside back cover of the promotion brochures and forum brochures, RMB 8,000 / page.

Colored advertisement on the back cover of the promotion brochures and forum brochures, RMB 20,000.








Right to name the dinner table:

(includes 3 seats at the table for the company representatives)

Right to name the main dinner table – RMB 50,000;

Right to name tables № 1-5 – RMB 10,000 per table;

Right to name tables № 6-10 – RMB 8,000 per table;

Right to name tables № 10-15 – RMB 7,000 per table;

Right to name tables № 15-20 – RMB 5,000 per table.


4 重点推荐产品5万元/个,由外交官等名人品尝点评,安排记者采访,其产品进入每桌的宴会菜单作为菜品呈上。

Recommended products – RMB 50,000 for each one. Tasting and reviews of the product by the diplomats and other celebrities, arranging interview by journalist, the product will be included into each table banquet menu, presented as one of the dishes.

5 拍摄丝路美食专题片,风格与时长与《舌尖上的中国》类似,专题片将在国内外50家以上的电视台及多媒体频道上播出。每集费用10-15万元,片长约10分钟。

Shooting "Silk Road Food" feature film series (about 10min), style and length similar to “A Bite of China”. The TV Series will be broadcasted on more than 50 domestic and foreign television and multimedia channels, promoting the brand and attracting potential consumers. The shoot charge will be RMB 100,000-150,000.


汇款账号:单位名称 / Account Name:世界中医药学会联合会

银行账户 / Account Number110060971018002604480107

开户行 / Deposit bank:交通银行北京育惠东路支行


Please specify “The Gourmet Carnival of SRBC” when remitting.




星级产品评选 Star Products



Beside one free quota presented with the stall rent, to participate in the “Silk Road Star Products”, product participation quota RMB 1,000 for each one.



Participating products and award-winning star products will be introduced and promoted on “SRBC” public Wechat and SRCA Website.



Star products will be demonstrated and promoted at SRCA’s international events and meetings.



Star products will be recommended to Diaoyutai Food Biotechnology Co., Ltd which belongs to Diaoyutai State Guesthouse and enter its high-level selling and buying network; and to e-commerce platforms like Tmall, Netease and “Haigou 365”.






In case you want to entitle or sponsor this event,

Please kindly contact us for further information.





This is not only an exhibition, but also an access to the high-end platform.

This is not an ordinary meeting, but a face-to-face interaction with international dignitaries and celebrities.

This is not a traditional Fairs and Sales, but a long-term “Internet +”.    


塑造品质 拓展商机

一带一路  任你驰骋

Do seize the tantalizing opportunity for brand promotion and commercial expansion.

We wish you a wonderful trip along the Belt and Road.



Take your chance!




宁全Ning Quan  15510027616

彭林娜Polina Ozhylevska 13051599850




Silk Road Cities Alliance

丝路美食嘉年华 报名表 CN&EN.docx